I love this game but it can be hard at first so here is some help. First thing take down the fence and make a granary, use a kid or bees to distract the heathens while you work on the hungry totem(note: to make more noni use bees) to get firewood use a kid as distraction. Use lighting to temporarily stop the pain totem and because of the lightning the heathens will run away. Same thing with the knowledge totem. Get science upgrades first so you can get tech points faster. You can use bees,fog , or make orange dye(with the paint just drag a person onto the colored vases) to get the heathens out of the pools for the rainbow totem. You must get a villager who is good at science or building to direct the aqueduct repair then drag other villagers to actually repair it.You need masters builders to take down the blocking totem but the heathens will come back to it so use bees or lightning to keep them away. Once you dig out the maulisium or whatever it is called a pan will appear drag a villager onto it and they will use it to pan for gold and put it into that little container. Once you fill that container drag a villager onto it and they will take it to the fire and smelt it they will then go away. Wait a minute this gold is going to become the eye then drag another villager onto the fire and they will place it in the totem(note: it is pretty but bright) then you will be able to see the chief in this cool flower thing. To beat the heathen master builder you have to use a time warp on one of your villagers and then the heathen will covert. I hope that helps but I wont spoil the rest of the game.
DisneyGirl1769 about
Virtual Villagers 5